By James R Jenkins. October 1, 2018
How to Get Policy Limits on a Small Budget
At mediation the defense generally only pays out to the policy limits; however, it is their intention to settle for a lesser amount or take their chances in court if they see you are unprepared.
It's up to the plaintiff’s attorney to provide evidence that supports their financial demands for settlement and convince the defense that it’s not worth the gamble to take the case before a jury. Whether the policy limits are $250,000 or $25 million, the goal is to get the maximum and more.
To achieve the desired results (policy limits and more), you need to take advantage of every tool at your disposal and traumatize the defense.
Personal Injury attorney, Ray Coleman explains how he gets results and obtains policy limits for his clients.
Ray Coleman
Law Offices of Coleman & Coleman
“To get policy limits you have to traumatize the defense. I spring hard hitting Day in the Life video footage on them at the last minute and claim it is work product. The defense counsel usually thinks this is just another mundane case, but after they see the carefully edited and factual video evidence, it strikes fear in them.
The shock value strengthens my case. It causes them to be suddenly become unsure of themselves, and that means a jury could also become unsure and hit them with a huge verdict.
There is no doubt that using Day in the Life video is a sure-fire way to get policy limits quickly. Uncertainty is our friend. Evidence never seen before is how you get the policy limits.”
We’ve got the numbers to back up our claim.
Motor Vehicle Accident | $250,000 |
Motor Vehicle Accident | $300,000 |
Motor Vehicle Accident | $1.5 million |
Motor Vehicle Accident | $7.6 million |
Product Liability | $1.2 million |
Premise Liability | $1.8 million |
Premise Liability | $40 million |
Medical Malpractice | $3 million |
Medical Malpractice | $8 million |
A professionally produced Day in the Life video will give you an edge and help get the policy limits for any size case. Video allows you to document the effects of a person's injuries in a compelling medium that communicates the emotions and facts of a case. It shows the other side that you are prepared for trial.
Making an impact and getting better results doesn’t have to take an excessive amount of time or money. A Day in the Life video can be completed in one to two weeks (sometimes less) and cost as little as $1,500. This small investment increases the value of your case, plain and simple!
James Jenkins, owner and operator of Forensic Video Law has produced more than 500 Day in the Life documentaries for attorneys across the United States. Call today to discuss your case. Together we'll Scare the defense to settlement.